Experience the transformative benefits of yoga with Horizon Yoga's all-inclusive $59 introductory offer, designed specifically for new students looking to explore the various classes, styles, and schedules available at our two beautiful locations – the Oceanview Studio in Swanbourne and the Holistic Sanctuary in Cottesloe.

Our 30-day unlimited yoga pass provides an unparalleled opportunity to immerse yourself in yoga, sampling different classes and instructors to discover the perfect combination that suits your unique preferences and lifestyle. With unrestricted access to both studios, you can explore our diverse class offerings, enjoying the flexibility to attend sessions at your convenience.

In addition to the unlimited yoga classes, our introductory offer includes:

  1. A complimentary buddy pass: Share your newfound passion for yoga with a new friend or loved one, giving them the opportunity to join you for a class and experience the benefits of yoga together.

  2. 10% discount on our retail range: As a new member, you'll receive a 10% discount on our carefully curated selection of yoga wear, clothing, and gifts. Equip yourself with high-quality products at an affordable price to enhance your practice and support your journey.

By taking advantage of the Horizon Yoga introductory offer, you're embarking on a journey of self-discovery, well-being, and personal growth. Dive into our supportive community and experience the positive impact yoga can have on your physical, mental, and emotional health. Begin your transformative journey today with our exceptional value 30-day unlimited yoga pass and embrace the life-changing benefits of a consistent yoga practice.

Download our apple app to book your classes here.

Download our android app to book your classes here.

Please note this offer is only available to permanent residence of Perth,WA | This offer can only be used once per person.